Wednesday, July 25, 2007

My adventures!

Well, this week it has been cooler weather wise. Today I was actually cold while sleeping and it was great. On Monday, I was coming home from language school and got on a bus that I thought would take me home. However, about 1/2 way through my ride I sensed that I had never been there before and I realized that I was not on the right bus. I decided to stay on and see where in Erd (the next town over) it would take me and if I would know where I was and could catch another bus. However, it proceeded to stop somewhere in Erd, that I had never seen. I asked a couple bus drivers if the bus would go to Diosd, but I don't think that they understood me and I don't think the buses did go to Diosd. So I called one of the other teachers from my school and told him where I was and asked if he could try and find me and pick me up. His wife had just arrived home from taking graduate classes in Germany, but he said that he was on his way out and could help me out. I was concerned that he wouldn't be able to figure out where I was, but thankfully after about 20 minutes he showed up. My heart was so relieved and I learned to really check out which bus I get on. Well, that's all for now.


Jessica Reed said...

Hello Hannah,
Nice Blog!!
Great to hear from you and I hope that your fall semester gets off to a great start! Keep pressing on! With Joy, Jessica (Amdahl) Reed
PS I've been on those Hungarian buses and yes it's very, very tricky!!!

Amy Ruth said...
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Amy Ruth said...

Hannah: you should check this blog out, too. She's a kindred spirit in so many ways!