Thursday, February 15, 2007

Life as a teacher!

Well, it has been an interesting two weeks. Last week was a great week. I felt like my students were understanding me and I them. They were asking and answering questions and applying what I have been teaching them. With my highschool students I was able to have some conversations with them and learn more about them. My 2nd grade boys were actually enjoying class and participating. Then came this week. Monday I had 6th grade band and it was awefull, I cried after it was done. It is very hard for me to be extremely strict because I feel like I'm being mean, yet I have to be strict or the class is totally out of control. So throughout the whole week I've just been dreading today when I have band again. But by the Lord's grace they were much better behaved today and I was holding to my own rules and being strict but kind. I guess I realized that some days in life are easy and some are really hard. I don't know what to expect each day I walk into a class. Each week it is different, but I long to rest in the Lord more and rely on him each moment of each class for inspiration, patience and the ability to discipline as I need to promote learning and character growth (for both me and and my students).

1 comment:

Lisa said...

It is quite the roller coaster.