Saturday, February 3, 2007

This week!

Well, this past week went rather well. I thought I would be going out of town this weekend to Croatia for a prayer retreat, but some of the people coming were not feeling well so it was canceled. It had been hard to find a sub anyway, and it was good to be with my students. I was able to plan ahead for next week since I thought I would be gone the whole weekend, so that was good. Next week is Spiritual emphasis week and I am in charge of a 10 minute chapel time each day. It did actually snow here last week but only about 1/2 of an inch. It has been cold this week and I've been grateful for rides to and from school through out the week. Oh, there is this great Greek resturante in Erd, which is the next town over, but still very close and it has very good food.
more later,

1 comment:

Andrea & Dave said...

hey hannah. I am so glad you got a blog. I have had one for a while but never did anything with it. You inspired me. =) I love you cousin.